Autumn Bush

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Story of Autumn Jacqueline Bush

Im going to add some detail to the pictures Jonathan updated.

We went in to my appointment on thursday and I was already 5cm. So they said come on in tomorrow and we will induce you. So on Friday morning on November 20th, we went in at 7:30 to the hospital. I was 6cm by then. They broke my water and started some pitocin. An hour later I was in hard labor and at 12:57 after 40min of pushing our baby girl was born. It was a very short labor but seemed very long to me because we decided to go all natural and without any pain relief. But Jonathan and my mother were excellent coaches and got me through it. As soon as they put our daughter on my chest it was all worth it. And Jonathan is such a proud daddy.

She weighed 8lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long! Jonathan and I were in shock at how chubby she was because the doctors told us that she would be kind of a small baby. So we were very pleased that she is so healthy. We think she is a little oinker when it comes to eating. Just like her papa :) We couldn't have asked for a more healthy pregnancy, wonderful birth, and beautiful daughter.

1 comment:

Liji and Christina Waite said...

Thanks for sharing some more details. Glad that everything went so well. We can't wait to meet the little Bush:)