Autumn Bush

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Hunter Bush

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Emmett Bush

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Heideline Bush

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Trophy Bull

Yesterday was the first day for the rifle season. Jonathan and I started out early like last year. After a couple of hours we saw a huge bull starting down across the river. We only knew this because we were in the trees and heard water splashing far below us on the river. We ran to take position and I got my sites on him. But he was 400 yards away and on the move so we didn't take the chance. We tried to cut him off but either I was too slow or he was too fast. Anyways we followed him to where he bedded down and we decided to come back after lunch to see if we could find him. We went back and got our horses and ate some lunch and talked for a couple of hours. I forgot what it is like to be alone with my husband and we had fun being ourselves. We threw small rocks and sticks at each other and played war like we were little kids. It was already a good day for me and I was just glad to be with Jonathan away from every body and every responsibility for a bit.
Anyways, Jonathan wanted to go look at spike camp to see how it was doing so we got on our horses and went up the draw where we knew the big bull was bedded. Then Jonathan saw him and some cows on the far side feeding. We backtracked and tied up the horses and ran back the half a mile to where the elk were. We got close to 400 yards. Then we belly crawled and scooted and dashed to get as close as we could. The wind was in our favor which was great. I was huffing and puffing from running and I was shaking from my nerves. Jonathan ranged the bull and told me he was over 300 yards away!!! What?! I was more nervous about wounding the bull than seeing that he was a monster! But Jonathan said I could do it, he believed in me. So we sat and waited for that darn bull to turn broadside for maybe 10 minutes. But I got my sites on him and when Jonathan said shoot, I shot. POW!!!! I panicked because I couldn't find him in my sites again. But it didn't matter, I shot him at 320 yards. He went about 15 yards and died. A top of the heart shot. You know those primos shows where the guys all freak out and scream and dance after shooting their animal? Well, I was one of those guys this time. And not because he is a big bull, we were just lucky he came out at 2 in the afternoon (even though I ran my butt off to get to him), but because I couldn't believe I could make a shot like that, so far away. It was an awesome hunt, and he is a beautiful bull. I can't expect to get anything like him ever again. To tell you the truth, I didn't really expect to get a monster this time. I just wanted something like my bull last year or a tiny bit bigger. Jonathan says my bull will score a little over 300 maybe. But any bull is a good bull and any hunt is a good hunt. Oh, and in the picture, I really am alot happier than my no teeth smile, I didn't realize Jonathan was taking a picture and it turned out to be the best one of the bull.


Ben and Diana Hull said...

Very nice bull. So excited for you.

Katee said...

DANG! Those antlers are almost as big as you are tall! Way to go! Miss you all!