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Monday, October 10, 2011

Hunting and Me

It's a passion, an addiction, a hobby, a sport. Whatever you call it I love hunting. I love that Jonathan loves hunting. Not all the time. He goes far more than I do, and it is hard when it is just me and the kids. I have kinda realized that my hunting days will have to be super planned and far and few in between because my first responsibility is to my children and that is just how it is. For now.
If the outfitting doesn't last forever I will still definitely go hunting on public land. I might have to wait til my kids are grown up a little. It takes a little more time and effort on public land. That is why my hunting takes one day these past two years. lol. I can never expect to get this kind of a deal again with elk hunting. So we will take advantage.

What alot of people fail to realize, is that before I even met Jonathan (the hunting King), I got myself in to hunting in Washington by myself. I have only ever harvested one whitetail buck(picture up top, 2007). But the two years before I got him, I dragged my butt outside every day during the seasons for deer and bear and went hunting without success. Unsuccessful, but so fun anyways which is a reminder of what hunting is all about. is fun to freeze yourself and getting blisters for the feeling of "stalking your prey". The excitement of hearing the cracking of a twig when you know it isn't you...and come to find it was only a squirrel (chipmunk soup?) And after hunting, drinking hot chocolate and snuggling in a blanket. I guess I paint a more romantic version of hunting than most men would.
I wrote my senior paper in high school on the hunting controversy. Our wedding, brown and camo (I chose). I don't go hunting because Jonathan goes, or because he wants me to. I go because I want to go. That is probably why I have such a hard time when he leaves to go hunting. I get super jealous.
But we love the outdoors, during the Fall season especially. Can you say, match made in heaven? Or match made for hunting? Some day, I hope I can go with him whenever he or I wants to go, and I will be able to without the responsibility of children or they are old enough to come with us.

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