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Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year... New Brittani

It has been a very busy couple of months. We have been hopscotching to Denver and La Junta. Between the holidays, getting more cows, and Katie and Ethan getting married....I was pretty stressed. I am glad that it is over for a little bit. I just gotta catch my breath before calving season starts. My social life has been shriveling like a prune since being married and having kids. But now, its all about to change.
Don't get me wrong I love being a wife, mother and housekeeper and rancher all at the same time. But I need a life away from all that too or I get consumed in stress. So my new years resolution is to be happy. And something that has always made me feel good is exercise. I now do a circuit training twice a week with friends with a personal trainer. I'm not in bad shape or anything...but there is something about sweating out the stress and focusing on yourself that is so fulfilling. I have a workout system I have had since having Hunter. I do sit ups and push ups every morning. And our Just Dance on the wii is in itself a very good workout. And now I am adding my circuit training twice a week. I am very excited for the social side of things too. It will in general make me a better person. I am taking control of my life.

1 comment:

Chera said...

I am in love with my sister's just dance too! I agree that exercise is the best feel good medicine.