Autumn Bush

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Hunter Bush

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Emmett Bush

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Heideline Bush

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

My bad good day

Today was one of those days where you wish you could crawl into a hole and not come out. I woke up really early because I was nervous about Hunter's appointment, then he was really cranky all day. It windy outside. Jonathan went to La Junta, and thank goodness he was willing to take Autumn. I always look forward to nap time. It didn't happen today which was okay, cuz I was stressed anyways. I finally got into the doctors at 3:30 sharp for Hunter's appointment. I have been waiting for his second opinion on his sacral dimple for a week now. And heaven help the person who might say he really needed an MRI. Help me actually because I don't know if I could have made it home a second time from hearing that....Anyways, it turns out that whoever made my appointment did something wrong and Hunter wasn't on the list. My bad day turned worse. They told me a different doctor could see him at 3:45... An hour later here I was trying to keep my baby from some way too forward teenager who wanted to stick her fingers in his mouth so he could chew on them....I said a prayer, it went something like this "Heavenly Father.....I know its a sin to kill, so smite me dead so I don't have to have this bad day anymore, and that the teenager playing with my son stays alive!...oh amen."
I think he heard me because right then the nurse comes out and calls us in. Then it took her about 15 minutes to get a pulse reading. You know those stupid sticker things they put on their fingers or toes? Come on people! Its a baby! They are NOT going to hold still for you!

Anyways, the doctor comes in and by then I am about to pull out my hair. I didn't wait for her to start. I said directly and loudly "So I need a second opinion because I do not agree with his other doctor that he needs an MRI for his sacral dimple." She kind of laughed at me and said "Well, lets check it out" And much to my relief she agreed with me completely! I am so happy I don't have to worry about this any more. He is just fine. And I am sure he is glad no more doctors will be looking at his bum more than they have to.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oh bugger

I really am sick of being sick. I have always had throat problems. Any sort of virus that goes around the family ends up in my throat and ears. It is a daily routine to look at my swollen tongue in the mirror. The worst part is my kids get sick and mama stays home from church. I miss church although its only been a couple of weeks.
This week Hunter had his 6 month checkup. He weighs 17.5 lbs and he is super healthy. He has a new doctor because his other one moved. She checked him out and all of a sudden she said "MRI" I wasn't feeling good so I didn't quite get what she meant plus she had a deep russian accent so I didn't know I was hearing right. Then she said it again and said "Cyst and Tumor" WHAT?!!!! Apparently my son has a sacral dimple. His former doctor always looked at it and never said a word so I guessed it was nothing to worry about. Its not red or oozy or super deep. But his new doctor thinks he needs an MRI? I am livid to say the least. He has lived with it for 6 months and of all the doctors who have looked at him one now decides I need to consent to put my little baby to sleep so he can have a MRI..... Uh.... NO!!!! I am going in for a second opinion. I know they do ultrasounds for this kind of thing and it makes me angry that they would go strait for the MRI when there are other options. Hunter is super advanced for his age. He is 6 months and he crawls like a champ, stands up holding onto furniture and is attempting to walk along it by himself. I guess it would break my heart to see him so healthy and then find out he has an underlying health issue. I am very protective of my children. Its hard to hear that there was nothing I could do to prevent issues. I have a lot of respect for mothers who have to deal with a lot more than me for their kids. The power of a mothers love.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life is good

We went to our Las Vegas trip a couple weeks ago. We had a blast and we got to go to the tournament of kings. We had a great time going up and down the strip every day. We were exhibitors at the Elk camp for The Rocky Mountain Foundation. It was hard having kids in the booth all day long. Hunter is crawling like a mad man now and he can pull himself up into standing position now and he is trying to walk along the 6 months old! Autumn talks and sings all day long and her favorite song is "three little monkeys jumping on the bed" Jonathan has been in the middle of his basketball tournaments for a couple of days. They are doing well and I love going to watch the games. I continue to do circuit training and I havn't felt so good about life and myself in a long time. Life is good.